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Safe Tourism Corridors Actually Now!..



As you know, the coronavirus has been in our lives for about a year. Last year, I made comments in many articles about the effects of the epidemic on tourism and even presented projects. Everyone involved in the tourism industry made similar efforts. One of the projects I mentioned was about the "Safe Tourism Corridors" (Pier to Pier Project for Safe Tourism) that I thought about last April and wrote on this platform in August. At that time, many countries developed and implemented similar projects. Some were relatively successful, some ended before it started. However, when developing such projects, it is absolutely necessary to take into account the unique conditions of the countries. We also have a tourism industry that operates according to its own rules. We have a sectoral structure based on high tourist figures in a narrow area focused on a few destinations. While continuing tourism activities under epidemic conditions, we also experienced some of the advantages of this structure. For example, the fact that our 4 destinations could be opened to tourist traffic last summer was the result of this structure that our hotels implemented good hygiene rules with the concept of “Safe Tourism”. Thus, it was possible to manage "Safe Tourism" applications through our resort hotels and to host tourists in the epidemic.

The current course of the epidemic shows that last year's strategies should be developed. Finding the vaccine has been an important glimmer of hope, but be cautiously optimistic! At least for the tourism sector… It is essential to follow the process in order to manage this new situation. It is expected that the vaccination calendars of rich countries, especially America and Europe, will continue until autumn with an optimistic view. It is a fact that vaccinated people will not be able to abandon security measures immediately.

First yourself, your family, the city you live in, your country and finally the country you will travel to, the immunization rate and community immunity are very important. So it is not possible to manage the process alone. Issues such as immunity passport, quarantine requirements, travel applications, and efficiency differences of vaccines are also discussed on the agenda. Because of these facts, all international organizations state that 2021 will not witness a sharp turn in terms of tourism and travel.

Considering this situation, if we make our own strategy clear, first of all, we will be arming our first weapon against the uncertainty ahead. In Turkey, the vaccination schedule starts on January 14, and it is very important for us to manage the process to get our citizens vaccinated as soon as possible. The high operational capability of our healthcare system will not negate the optimism that we can make progress in this matter in a short time. However, it is useful to consider negative scenarios as well. At this point the project can be adapted to the conditions of this year. The “Pier to Pier” project also carries a tourism communication mission. Considering that similar projects are developed by predominantly tourist sending countries, this project also represents an initiative developed by a tourist destination. It is useful to be active, not passive. Of course what is desired; our society will gain virus immunity as soon as possible.

In the conditions of this year, evaluations will come to the fore with regard to international travel, together with the effects of the vaccine. At this point, the idea of ​​creating a safe tourism corridor between destinations by evaluating the tourism and travel sector on the basis of destination will be strengthened, instead of making a wholesale assessment on the basis of a country with a holistic approach while allowing the countries and especially the European Union to travel internationally. Thus, it will be easier for our destinations to accept tourists. To achieve this, the immunity of the tourism service chain is important.

For this reason, the safe tourism corridors, which we saw last year with the epidemic, will be more likely to come to the fore with vaccination practices this year.


İrfan ÖNAL

13 January 2021


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