In the process of Turkey Home campaign launched in 2014 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, advertisement and branding practices of tourism destinations, communication strategies, the results obtained thanks to contemporary advertisement and marketing methods and means used in this process have been analyzed in this study. In these days in which international relations have become quite intense and complicated, "destination advertisement" is meant for "expressing oneself" aimed at a specific target audience which establishes the standard of judgement of the people related to each other, and increases the influence power of the countries in terms of economic and political interests. Nowadays, strengthening international relations, finding new markets and advertisement/marketing for this purpose have become necessary in order for countries to be afloat as a result of competitive conditions. Many places around the world possess...
Turizm ve kültür endüstrileri üzerine izlenimler, görüşler...TURİZMİN YAKIN TARİHİNDEN NOTLAR