TRAVELLER'S 2019 GUIDE TO TURKEY YEAR OF GÖBEKL İ TEPE Göbeklitepe, considered as the zero point in time, has changed all we know about the history of mankind. It is located about 22km from the city centre of Ş anl ı urfa, Turkey's southeastern city of great cultural, historical and agricultural significance and is now accepted as the earliest cult centre of human history. Göbeklitepe dates back to the 10th millennium BC. The forms of the remnants reflect perfection in terms of shape, size and artistry, giving an insight into how the early communities engaged in agriculture, worshipped and were socially organized. Göbeklitepe is inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The vast area around Göbeklitepe is situated on the north of Mesopotamia, the historical region that we call the cradle of civilization. And Ş anl ı urfa is known as the city of prophets and enjoys a matchless culture and history. Ş anl ı urfa, also the city of gastronomy, welcomes the visitors wi...
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