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Göbeklitepe, considered as the zero point in time, has changed all we know about the history of mankind. It is located about 22km from the city centre of Şanlıurfa, Turkey's southeastern city of great cultural, historical and agricultural significance and is now accepted as the earliest cult centre of human history. Göbeklitepe dates back to the 10th millennium BC. The forms of the remnants reflect perfection in terms of shape, size and artistry, giving an insight into how the early communities engaged in agriculture, worshipped and were socially organized. Göbeklitepe is inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The vast area around Göbeklitepe is situated on the north of Mesopotamia, the historical region that we call the cradle of civilization. And Şanlıurfa is known as the city of prophets and enjoys a matchless culture and history. Şanlıurfa, also the city of gastronomy, welcomes the visitors with its superb cuisine dating back thousands of years. Şanlıurfa Museum houses artefacts you can hardly see elsewhere. The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism has announced 2019 as the Year of Göbeklitepe to promote this matchless region inside and outside of Turkey and raise awareness of it as a historical and cultural destination.

As part of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry's 2023 Tourism Strategy, this region was first designed as a touristic centre of faith and gastronomy. The museums, opened in the southeastern region of Turkey in recent years, are seeing great interest from domestic and foreign tourists. Particularly Şanlıurfa Museum (the archaeology and mosaic museum), Zeugma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep and Hatay Archaeology Museum are must-sees of the southeastern Turkey. Precious artefacts are on display in the great museums of this region, which is referred to as the cradle of civilization. By the way, your trip to southeastern Turkey should also include the mesmerizing cities of Diyarbakır, Mardin and Adıyaman.

Today there are two Turkish provinces, Gaziantep and Hatay, announced by UNESCO as a creative city of gastronomy. The 350km route extending from Şanlıurfa through Gaziantep to Hatay offers matchless culinary delights. This region has an improved highway network but is also accessible by air from major cities of Turkey like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Trabzon.

The mesmerizing sunset and sunrise, in company with the mystery of the giant stone monuments erected by King Antiochus I of Commagene, invites you to a matchless experience in one of UNESCO’s world heritage, Mount Nemrut.

With its diverse geography and cultural diversity, Anatolia is like a small continent. Maybe this is why it is known as Minor Asia. The Eastern Express, offering a nostalgic train journey across Anatolia, has become quite popular among young people. The journey starts from Ankara and ends in Kars, the ancient city lying across the untouched geography of northeastern Anatolia. It is an experience worth enjoying any time in a year but a sought-after one, particularly during winters. It takes about 25 hours to complete the 1933km journey during which the travellers are offered the opportunity to enjoy the changing climate and see the geographical locations one by one. An alternative route is the one taken by the Lake Van Express. It stretches from Ankara to Lake Van, the largest lake of Anatolia situated near Iran. The distance covered and the time spent en route is nearly the same as the Eastern Express. Besides these two, the nostalgic train journeys to the western Anatolia and the Mediterranean region will also make you explore the unique geography of Asia Minor. 

The north of Anatolia is adorned by mighty mountains and is covered in forests. Turkey is the biggest hazelnut producer in the world and this region is the leading centre of hazelnut and tea production in the country. It is also where you can see the different lifestyle and geography supported by the sea and highland culture. Stretching up to Georgia, the Black Sea Region of Turkey offers its visitors experiences that are distinct in all aspects. The high plains at the peak of Kaçkar Mountains are indispensable to nature & trekking lovers and fans of photography. The airports of Trabzon and Ordu-Giresun will be the central point of your trip providing you with easier transportation.

Antalya is the capital of the Turkish Riviera. It offers far more than the trio of sea, sun and sand. It was the centre of many city-states during antiquity. It has offered, together with its natural beauties, an enviable lifestyle through the ages. Antalya was divided into three regions in antiquity – Likia, Pamphylia and Pisidia. There are now more than 100 ancient settlements inviting you to discover the antique Antalya. Antalya Museum is one of Turkey’s greatest museums with a rich collection of artefacts.

The Aegean coast of Turkey, known as the turquoise coast, invites you to explore the natural wonders in the sheltered coves by gulet (the traditional Turkish wooden sailing boat). Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye, Göcek and many other seaside towns summon you to the matchless experience of a blue voyage along the turquoise coast.

The 500km long walking route at the southwestern end of Turkey offers countless ancient sites to visit and matchless turquoise landscapes to enjoy. You can also experience the life in villages scattered around this historical route. The Lycian Way is one of the best 10 walking routes in the world and promises you an unrivalled experience.

The north of the Aegean is the birthplace of an ancient Anatolian legend known by all of us: the legend of Troy. 2018 was celebrated as the Year of Troia. The biggest gift of 2018 was the Troy museum opened in October 2018. The archaeological site of Troy and the Troy Museum are a must-see! You will be emotionally attached to many of the ancient sites and towns decorating this region.

The Phrygian Valleys tell the early story shared by Ankara, Eskişehir, Afyonkarahisar and Kütahya. The Phrygians settled here, creating an extraordinary collection of artefacts. Today this region brings you together with the nature of Anatolia’s central geography. The long trekking routes, ancient tracks and the tumulus and stories of King Midas attract great attention.

The geographical formations in Cappadocia make you feel like you are on another planet and the nature activities that you can perform here in this region through the year draw more and more attention. You can enjoy trekking, cycling, horse-riding and also have a fantastic balloon tour.

One of the best biennials in the world, Istanbul Biennial will be welcoming its guests this year on 14 September-10 November 2019. Organized by Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV), Contemporary Istanbul hosts festivals and events in culture, arts and music. You can learn more about the dates of these events by visiting Istanbul has become an important hub for contemporary arts, too. There are world-class museums in this global city. The latest news released by Financial Times is supportive of Istanbul becoming a hub for arts. 

(Thanks to the General Directorate of Promotion, photo archive and


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