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The Key Point of Tourism Communication: Sincerity!


With the pandemic process, tourism and travel came to a halt, and many things in this area were re-evaluated. Of course, a group of those who seek innovation and develop projects for this have created local and national tourism offices. Here in this article, I want to talk about one of the projects that caught my attention ...

One of the national tourism organizations that I have been following for years is the New Zealand Tourism Organization. I noticed a campaign they developed last May to stimulate domestic tourism during the period of home closure due to the pandemic: "Do something NEW New Zealand". The idea of ​​the birth of this campaign is; A contest was organized to encourage people to do something new, emphasizing that the country has many places and experiences worth seeing instead of travels to take repetitive photos that are shared insensibly on social media. If you pay attention, social media is not denigrated here, on the contrary, a campaign on social media encourages people to have new experiences and see new places. Yes, we were also tired of seeing the photos taken by making the same figures in the same places! Poses with hats in lavender gardens, rich breakfasts, swings at the mountain top, etc ...

At this point, as people who think about tourism communication, the following question may come to mind: Could the great fame in the short time brought by the popularity of social media be far from deepening the relationship established with the visitors - about destinations? Or is there a danger that expectations will fail? I think it would be useful to examine these questions by our tourism academics. However, the following truth is clearly visible; Communication is acceptable and sincere and long-term. There are also very simple ways to achieve this:

Define yourself correctly, appreciate your values ​​and be sincere. Do not wear off your personality for the sake of short-term benefits. When we embody all of these in the identity of a destination, I think the biggest duty here falls on those who manage that destination and those who live there.

As the campaign says: "Do something new and be sincere ..."

30 Ocak 2021

İrfan ÖNAL



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